Feminar on Social Media


You can follow Feminar in a variety of ways, so don’t forget to stay connected with us through all of our social media opportunities listed below. We would also love to hear from you and see your pictures throughout the Feminar 2016 weekend.

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Clinging to Truth

“Joy is a choice, no matter what you are feel, based on what God has promised and says He is.”
– Angela Thomas

I am the mother of two beautiful baby girls. My husband is a commercial pilot which means that I spend most of my days and nights alone. I work 40 hours a week and have an extra part-time job to help meet our family’s financial needs. My father has been homeless for over a year. If I had all day, I would continue to list the many ways that my life is stressful. However, I think you get what I am trying to communicate…my life is overwhelming.


If I were really honest with you, I would tell you that I have days when it feels like defeat is my middle name. There are days when I get so caught up in my own circumstances that I wonder if God is really here with me, in the midst of my overwhelming life.

The Feminar conference is the highlight of my year and a light in the darkness!! Feminar is the one weekend a year when I can have a break from being a wife and Mommy and really focus on my own relationship with the Lord.

What I have found is that the Lord uses the Feminar conference to help bring focus and direction to my year. Normally, the truths that I learn at Feminar are the truths that I need to cling to throughout the entire year. By the way, I am so thankful that the Lord gives me the truths that I need! The Lord also uses the Feminar worship to deeply root itself in my heart, so that during hard times, I can be brought back to a place of worship and praise, no matter what the circumstances.

I do not think that my life will suddenly be free of its challenging circumstances. However, I will continue to follow in Christ’s footsteps, while clinging to the truths of Feminar.

How does God use Feminar to impact your year?

I hope and pray that God will continue to reveal Himself to all of us as we cling to the truths spoken at Feminar 2014.

Jen Newsham
author of blog Living a Changed Life

Feminar on Instagram

We have some very exciting news to share with you…Feminar is now on Instagram!!

feminar instagram

You can follow our Instagram @feminarconference to see all the behind the scenes action at Feminar 2014. We would love to hear from you and see your pictures throughout the Feminar weekend!! Don’t forget to stay connected with us through all of our social media opportunities listed below.

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